
it was halloween and Jim, John and I are having a challenge. we all have to get 150 candies this night, if you don’t there will be a punishment! I set off with a empty pillow case and my super scary mask! I was on fire I banging houses one by one and I was only 3 candies away! I walked over to this spooky house. DING DONG “trick or treat” I said “I don’t do halloween but I like candy!” he ripped my candy out of my hands and started eating it. As the door slammed, I knew it was over.



it was a normal day at the farm. us animals get slaved around and getting whipped we hated it we hated him! who’s him you ask… crazy farmer Dave. 5 years of this slavery and we knew something had to change. Its about 5 minutes till Dave milks me. CRASH! “ITS MILK’N TIME” “moooooo” I charged and rammed Dave knocking him dead. first I rammed down Dave’s door and went to get some real food not half eaten apples and sour milk. It was glorious! fresh crunchy apples and honey crunch cereal it was heaven! we ate till we were stuffed.  YUM