
hi my name is frank, and i´m a purple crocodile. A professor made me purple and I hate him or it. every one makes fun of me because my color ¨racist¨! today i´m going to kill that scientist once and for all. I walked up the swamp crossed the street and started my journey. YES finally I have made it to the lab I walked up the steps to the door and smashed it with my rage. there he was big and stupid. I charged and ate him in one big gulp it was twisted and difficult but i won


The winner of the 2017 science fair is DANIEL! I cant believe I won the science fair. I grabbed my prize and unwrapped it to see a light bulb full of marbles that is really cool. Guess what, I was walking home and I tripped and found a $100 note! I think the light bulb is lucky so I’m going to bring it to my cross country. 3 2 1 GO! All the kids fell behind me and I was ahead by miles but then I dropped the bulb and stuff went every where and all the kids zoomed in front of me DARN IT!


one day I was at the beach and something strange happened. All the water went way out into the docs. There were fish flopping on the ground! But what lay ahead of my face was not pretty TSUNAMI!! I ran as fast as I could but it was to fast. The wave swept me up and the water went crashing into house’s but luckily the water ran out and I popped onto to the ground hopeless. I walked around just to see houses broken and people dead I sat on a roof and weeped till I gave up and drowned.


Finally it is the day that i will win the mens 6k cross country. I got my runners on and jogged over to the starting line READY SET GO!! I ran ahead and and left the others in the dust but suddenly big foot prints appeared on the track. I didn’t care I just kept running until I got to this forest “oh darn i’m lost” I screamed and screamed for help but no body responded. I went back the way I came from but a big monkey thing blocked my path. I tried to run but it ate me.